Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25-31 Work Task

Monday:  Hand in Canada mnemonic or fill out the form (hand in)

Overview of Canada's Provinces

Finish artifact on Canada overview from last week (hand in or share)

Choose one region of the US from here

Your goal over the next several days will be to compare the one region of American chosen with two different provinces in Canada.  You will need to keep careful track of your sources.  This is a BIG JOB, so I would strongly suggest a partner.  

Suggested Pattern:

Monday and Tuesday: research and sources on a shared document
Tuesday:  find maps and pictures of the regions
Wednesday:  begin the T-chart
Thursday: are there jobs and economy in the region?  If not, how do people live there? Finish T-chart
Friday:  Handing in work done, starting final project.

Topics: (start with what's the same and what's different)
  • culture 
  • population
  • language, settlement, and indigenous people
  • regional government
  • industry/agriculture
  • landforms and water

Student InformationExceptional AcceptableNeeds Some Extra Effort
Research (21 points)Includes information in a T- chart that makes a claim for each of the three regions in ALL six areas. Includes pieces of evidence to back up explanation, includes a 2 sentence reasoning.
Cites Sources
Includes information in a T- chart that makes a claim for each of the three regions in AT LEAST four areas. Includes pieces of evidence to back up explanation, includes a 2 sentence reasoning. Cites some sourcesInformation in a T- chart is disorganized, does not makes a claim for each of the three regions, or covers three or less areas. Pieces of evidence to back up explanation are not reasonable.
Strength of Research
(12 points)
Research is from a reputable source like Culturegrams that is password-protected, or linked directly to the CIA Factbook or Canadian or American government sources, including videosResearch is mostly from reputable sources, including Wikipedia and government video), but academic research (government or password-protected text) is not used.Research is not from reliable sources.
Comparison Similarities and Differences
(12 points)
Research summary (the T- chart) clearly shows similarities and differences between the three regions.  A map for each region and at least one picture per topic is included.Research summary (the T- chart) clearly shows similarities and differences between the three regions.  A map for each region is included.Research summary (the T- chart) clearly shows similarities and differences between the three regions.  One or more maps is missing.
Government, Population, and Economy (21 points)Claims written in language understandable to a 6th grader discuss how people in the US region chosen and your provinces are likely to register to drive, where they go to work ,and how many jobs or competition for jobs exist.Claims written in language understandable to a 6th grader discuss how people in the US region chosen and ONE of your provinces are likely to register to drive, where they go to work, and how many jobs or competition for jobs exist.Claims written in language that is not understandable to a 6th grader Poor comparison between  people in the US region chosen and your provinces are likely to register to drive, where they go to work ,and how many jobs or competition for jobs exist.

Presentation work will occur on Friday and Monday.  Your presentation can be a tourism video or a TACCK that YOU create, a song that YOU write using the melody of another popular song, a podcast convinces me which one of the three I should move to and WHY (this should make a Nightvale fan happy) or a short story that you record that tells me about your adventures in each one of the regions.  More details to come.

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